During the Holiday Season, most friends reach out to other friends and family members to share Holiday Events and Social Gatherings with other friends who are all alone for the Holidays. Suddenly, BAM, another hurtful thing SLAPS you in the face and is strong enough to finally knock some sense into you and out of the fantasy friend world that some folks get trapped in. This Holiday Season forever changed me and the way I feel in my heart.
My Grand Parents on both sides of my family died married to one another and they were married for over 40 years. Today’s MARRIGES don’t hold a candle in the wind or a can of beans on an 1800’s old western horse trail. Its simple people, I feel I was born in the wrong time era. My core values are at the same level as my grand parents, but why do I keep meeting women that don’t share the same values?
Time and Karma catches up with us all sooner or later. Time heals the pain of the broken heart but will not be forgotten or forgiven.
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