Movie Review
By: Fat Cat Randy
I can’t believe I wasted my time, energy and gas money to go see this film that told me something I had already known and have watched on television for the past eight years. Oliver Stones portrayal of our 43rd President and his Vice President along with his Cabinet just confirmed what most Americans already knew. We had a cowboy toting loud mouth President that partied, drank, did drugs and was not a very smart cookie. But most people would say that he’s a confused dumbass that needed therapy in his youth and college days.
I think more people will now believe the theory and accusations that were made about Jeb Bush and his shady actions over the Florida election in 2000. This film changed my mind about it for sure. The Bush family is a powerful family with ties in all levels of government and fixing the election was one them.
The entire cast performed magnificently in their roles in this movie considering the little value that the screenplay displayed to the audience. I was disappointed in this Oliver Stone film and the ending totally sucked. I rated this film 4 out of 10.
Fat Cat Randy says, Wait for Cable release.
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