It was that time of year again and my annual Family Re-Union 2015 in West Liberty Kentucky, (Down on the Creek). I have been coming down here every since I was a little boy and I still have graphic memories of my various trips, oh and our weekend blunders with adult beverages.
This year was going to be epic due to the fact my brother Tony was coming in from Texas and he has not been (Down on the Creek) in decades. He showed his excitement once he got down to my brother Kevin's cabin and started playing some BONES, a fun family friendly dice game. What a BLAST!
Every year there some kind of music entertainment going on from various members of the family. This year it was my brothers Kevin, Tony and my cousin Steve Elam. We had the sounds of a piano and two acoustic guitars. Lets not forget the beautiful sounds of singing from Aunt Katheryn, Kevin and Tony.
This year I decided to ride my Drifter Chief 1500 down with my girlfriend Brenda on the back. My cousin Steve and his wife Theresa hooked us up with their Harley Davidson Themed Camper which was the SHIZ-NIT BABY. It was loaded with A/C, Heat, Stove, Fridge and a Shower for the weekend. Their hospitality was over and beyond and I wish to thank you guys again. I wish I had took some pictures.
You guys did not disappoint us with that long sweet-ass ride you took us on. That ride challenged me Steve & Theresa. But I stayed focused and I made it through. If I was slow or lagged behind cuz, I'm sorry, I just wanted to soak it all in. Your Guide service was off the hook. Again, I wish I had taken some pictures. I look forward to doing it again soon. It was a TOP 5 RIDE for me.
I want to say a SPECIAL THANK YOU to my Aunt Katheryn & Uncle Roy for their warm welcome and hospitality. The food was plentiful, awesome and we never went hungry the whole weekend. From left to right, Uncle Roy, Myself, Tony, Kevin and Aunt Katheryn. Thank you Theresa Elam for those tasty biscuits & gravy.
Brenda and I was able to go four wheeling to go check out my cousin Tim's cabin up on the hill. His cabin was sleek and cool all rolled into a awesome getaway place to clear your mind or write a novel. The stacked bunk beds says it all. WOW, the view he has on the deck was unbelievable and it blew my mind away.
Thank you cousin Steve for the help in adjusting my headlight. It made a difference for sure. My "MISS NEVAEH ROSE" drove like a champion. We got really good gas mileage and there were no problems on the way down or on the GUSTY WIND RIDE HOME. She got us home safe with no issues. Thank you lord!
I love my family and I cant wait until my new baby grand daughter decides to show herself. She is due June 21, 2015, I believe. I cant wait to meet her. I shall bring my whole Tribe next year plus my drums folks.
Until next time readers, we have a Poker Run coming up, I will post the details once I get them. Ride safe all! There are dumb ass's who text & drive. Please don't drink & ride folks, we have already lost THREE RIDERS so far this riding season. KEEP THE RUBBER ON THE ROAD!