By: Fat Cat Randy
After all the media hype, all the numerous early morning / late night talk shows and watching this Film's H.D. Trailer multiple times, I was off to CHECK OUT the Release of ROCK of AGES on Friday, starring Tom Cruise, Julianne Hough, Alex Baldwin, Russle Brand, Catherine Zeta Jones, Paul Giamatti and Diego Bonita. This Rock -n- Roll Musical was Directed by, Adam Shankman.
To my surprise, this Film started out a little slow but then BANG YOUR HEAD, the Movie changed gears and started to ROCK AND FREAKIN ROLL baby. Displaying an arsinal of 1987 Rock Music. The storyline was as typical as Hollywood stories go. Arriving in the Big city of Los Angles is Julianne Hough from Smalltown, USA on a Greyhound and man does she ever look so HOT. I mean, DAMN, girlfriend you look SUPERSWEET on the Big Screen!
Writers, Crish D'Aienzo, Alan Loeb and Justin Theroux delivers a B rated Script and it was missing some back stories that would have GRABBED the audience a tad more. Most of the acting was B rated as well. However, it looked like the whole damn Cast and Crew had a AWESOME TIME making this Film.
There are some NOTIBLE ACTING worth mentioning in this Film. KUDOS goes out to, TOM CRUISE's performance which to me was BRILLANT. I mean the way he got into his character and the way he cocked his ass, commanded the room/stage during his musical performance.
This Film reminded me of so many old girlfriends from my Bar Bouncing Days back in the late eighties that it blew my mind. With each old ROCK song I heard, it reminded me of this old flame or that one. Each song had a women name behind it for sure. So you gotta like it for that alone. It put a smile on my face from ear to ear. Oh yeah baby! Where are they now?
Other KUDOS goes out to the Film's EDITING ROOM TEAM for THIER SUPIER editing WORK ON this Film and making all that great ROCK -n- ROLL (MOJO) blend together MAGICALLY so when the scenes changed, songs changed but they managed never to skip a BEAT BABY while the cameras were ROLLING! CAN U DIG IT?
I rate this Movie 8 out of 10. I give this Flick 3.5 Stars out of 5 Stars. It's well worth the price of admission and be sure to take your SWEETIE. Get out there and CHECK IT...