Tuesday, December 28, 2010

TRUE GRIT Movie Review

The Coen Brothers really impressed me with the release of the new and improved, “True Grit”. This will become an INSTANT CLASSIC for all ages. This amazing film starred Jeff Bridges, Hailee Steinfeld, Josh Brolin, Matt Damon and Barry Pepper. What a show to say the least. All the cast members gave Oscar performances and should receive totally awesome reviews worldwide. I must say the shinning star in this new cult film was Hailee Steinfeld. Your performance was AWESOME Hailee and your next gig’s paycheck should double baby or give me a call…

The writing was spectacular and the humorous timing was dead on at every twist and turn. The audience’s participation and their laugher in my theater, was outspokenly loud with super positive interaction as each hilarious punch line was delivered. There was no one talking during the heartfelt dialog as these great actors commanded the screen and deservedly so. This is a MUST SEE film, readers. You gotta get out there and check it out. This film is a must buy for your personal DVD collection

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Let me unwrap this present!

Oh my, we only have 11 days before Christmas everyone! I’m wrapping some gifts for my grand daughter as I write. Good old Elvis is rocking the house, I’m playing his Christmas DVD and I have a Swiss Pine Candle burning that smells so freaking good.

I can’t wait for Santa this year. I have been so good and my name did not grace his naughty list this year. Hell Yeah Readers…….! I have some good presents up under that big old sweet pine tree this year. I went with a real tree this year. I did not want anything or person from my past around me this year and it feels so freaking good. The cool thing is I don’t know what’s under the tree this year. What a great SURPRISE.

I would like to share a Christmas story with you folks:

It was the night before Christmas and all through the house, everyone felt shitty, even the mouse. Dad at the whore house, Mom smoking grass and I settled down for a nice piece of ass. Then out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my piece to see, what’s a matter! He came down the chimney like a bat out of hell; I knew right away that that fat fucker fell. He filled all the stockings with pretzels and beer and a big rubber dick for my cousin, the queer. He rose up the chimney with one hell of a fart, that Son of a Bitch blew my chimney apart. He swore and he cursed as he flew out of sight, piss on you all and have one hell of a night.


Merry Christmas Everyone and Happy New Year 2011

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


It is the season to be jolly with Christmas right around the corner, once again, HO, HO, HO. Have you taken care of your entire shopping list and or all you’re special Holiday treats? There are only eighteen shopping days left, readers, BETTER GETTER DONE.…..

I would like to announce that my bog traffic has increased by 32% from last quarter. Thank all of you for tuning in. My reviews have been slim pickings this year due to my bad health ordeal and treatments I have had to endure. It has been a long road and I’m not yet near the end of this ride. I want to thank all of you who showed support and sending the get well emails, I really appreciated it.

Beginning in January, my reviews will be every week, folks. I have secured free moving viewing at the Regal Movie Theater. If you’re in the Dayton, Ohio area and wish to visit a nice Movie Theater, please come and check at the Regal Movie Theater in Beavercreek, Ohio. They do have pretty decent prices on goodies for the show. If you have not been to the Regal, you gotta check it out.